19 December 2016

13 December 2016

Men & Mental Health

Pic: ImageQuest
A few weeks ago, the singer Kanye West was hospitalised for stress and exhaustion following a melt-down on stage. There followed a show of support from a number of fellow musicians. This was very significant according to this article, as a positive move towards a change in attitudes and the stigma attached to mental health issues, particularly in the African American male community; the macho hip-hop culture has meant that mental health issues are not usually discussed openly and those suffering have been far less likely to seek help.


A report published earlier this year, outlined the changes to be introduced over the coming years in response to the Mental Health Taskforce’s recommendations to improve care. In addition, the Ministry of Justice and NHS England are working together to develop a £24m programme targeting mental health support at young offenders.

7 December 2016

Breakfast clubs

The outcomes of a project titled 'Magic Breakfast' have now been published by the Education Endowment Foundation, the results of which have been positive. Support and resources were provided for free breakfast clubs to be set up at 106 schools from Year 2 up to Year 6 pupils, with the aim being to improve attainment outcomes by increasing the number of children who ate a healthy breakfast. 

For those considering setting up a breakfast club, this publication is a useful starting point.